Texas Democratic Women
of Rural North Texas
Texas Democratic Women
of Rural North Texas

Texas Democratic Women of Rural North Texas
Texas Democratic Women of Rural North Texas
Membership Information – Texas Democratic Women of Rural North Texas
Contact by Email: TDWofRuralNorthTexas@gmail.com
Contact on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/TDWRNT/
Your dues pay for membership in the National Federation of Democratic Women (NFDW), Texas Democratic Women (TDW state level), and our local chapter (TDW-RNT).
NOTE: Dues are normally paid on a calendar basis (Jan. 1 – Dec 31). New members joining on or after Nov.1 are considered paid through Dec. 31 of the following year.
Membership in the Texas Democratic Women of Rural North Texas is open to women and men that are dedicated to increasing the involvement of Democratic women in all levels of government and politics.
_____ Regular dues; $20 annually
To pay dues ONLINE - Regular dues or Monthly Sustaining Contributions or to Donate $$$ online to our projects or candidates...Go to:
or you can pay by using PayPal (See PayPal link below). Please indicate in PayPal notes your Name and that payment is for membership dues.
Official Membership dues for All NEW Members must be accompanied by the submission of a filled out application. Complete the Application below and click on the submit button.
To pay dues by check:
Checks are payable to your local chapter: Texas Democratic Women of Rural North Texas or (TDW-RNT). Mail your dues check of $20 to:
TDW-RNT P.O. Box 695, Decatur, TX 76234
Membership Application
I hereby certify that I support increased involvement and influence of Democratic women in our political party and local, state, and national governmental affairs.
Membership Application
I hereby certify that I support increased involvement and influence of Democratic women in our political party and local, state, and national governmental affairs.
State and Federal laws require us to try to obtain mailing address, employer, and occupation info for those making donations in excess of $50 per year. Contributions may be used for political purposes to support the election of Democratic women to office.